Godzilla multiplied by Arcade Games plus McDonalds divided by Pepsi Max plus StepMania equals Tom Tilley
Thomas Tilley
Godzilla arcade games McDonalds Pepsi MAX StepMania Tom Tilley

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The Others


I grew up on a farm in the small country town of Coomandook in South Australia.  My older brothers were all great sportsmen but I was an Asthmatic and as a result I had somewhat geekier pursuits.

As a child I did my fair share of pulling things apart and occasionally I would even manage to get things back together again (although usually with at least one screw mysteriously left over).  Over the years my parents were kind enough to provide me with a microscope, chemistry set, 100-in-1 electronics kit and a healthy supply of technical Lego and my father was very practical and able to make or improvise just about anything.

Before going to university to study Computer Science I worked as a technician for Mitsubishi Electric for about 8 years and studied electronic engineering part-time where I acquired some token electronics skills.  As a result I enjoy both hardware and software hacking and you can find out about some of the things I've been working on here.

The projects listed in the table below are in approximate chronological order and over the next month year or so I'll update the pages. Click on the links below for photos and more information. You can also find code for some of my projects on GitHub.