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From 1999 until 2002 or so I was part of a Christian mens group at the Southport Church of Christ called Top Gun. We were ten guys who would meet once a week at 5:30 in the morning to talk about guy stuff, have breakfast, study the Bible together and pray for one another before heading off to work.
As part of our studies we talked about how you discover your spiritual gifts and our workbook contained 80 questions with a summary key to give you some idea of what your gifts might be. Of course a questionnaire on paper is nowhere near as fun as a questionnaire online - so in yet another moment of PhD distraction - I wrote a simple Java questionnaire applet which read the questions from a text file and tabulated the results. I OCR'ed the gift descriptions from the book and added hyperlinks so you could click on your top results and go straight to the descriptions.
You can take the questionnaire yourself by clicking on the image below.
I brought an early prototype in to show the guys and got someone to try it out. He faithfully answered all eighty questions but little did he know that I had actually hard coded the results. His top three gifts came out as "celibacy", "martyrdom" and "eunichism". I suspect that if you were a celibate eunich (aren't all eunichs celibate?) you'd be happy to be martyred!
You may also be interested in reading about some of my other projects: