Godzilla multiplied by Arcade Games plus McDonalds divided by Pepsi Max plus StepMania equals Tom Tilley
Thomas Tilley
Godzilla arcade games McDonalds Pepsi MAX StepMania Tom Tilley

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The Others

My Grandfather

My grandfather, Clive Cox, was an army chaplain who served and died in New Guinea during the Second World War. My mother was only six when he died. When I was a young adult my mother gave all of her children a copy of a pamphlet which had been written about my grandfather's last hours during the war entitled "He will swallow up death in victory. Where, O death, thy victory?".

Back in 2006 I OCR'd the pamphlet and "converted" it into the PDF linked above. Shortly thereafter, my family and I visted the Australian War Memorial in Canberra and found my grandfather's name recorded there amongst the thousands who died.

The names of those serving in Australia, Papua & New Guinea, & Bougainville at the Australian War Memorial My grandfather's name at the Australian War Memorial