Godzilla multiplied by Arcade Games plus McDonalds divided by Pepsi Max plus StepMania equals Tom Tilley
Thomas Tilley
Godzilla arcade games McDonalds Pepsi MAX StepMania Tom Tilley

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The Others

Dunder Mifflin Warehouse Sign

Although The Office isn't shown on televsion here in Thailand, a friend introduced us to the US version of the show on DVD and we have become fans. This is an A4-size, printable version of the Dunder Mifflin warehouse sign that I made using the logo I found on this site. Right click on the image to download the PDF.

The Dunder Mifflin warehouse sign from the opening credits of The Office

The sign can be seen around the 4-5 second mark in the show's opening credits:

Screenshot of the sign in The Office opening credits